Interior Design for Great Homes
Inspiring Work By The Studio
At Farial's Green Studio we believe that every space has the potential to become unique, harmoniousl and beautiful. Every problem has a solution that's waiting to be discovered. We are proud of what we do and are excited to collaborate with you to make your dream home a reality. From full-scale projects to small renovations, we invite you to take a look at our gallery and see what we have done. Below are some of our favorite projects.
Feeling inspired? We’d love to work on your space - get in touch today.
A Word From Our Clients

About me and how to navigate this site
HELLO! Welcome to my website! I have over 20 years of combined experience in advertising, marketing, business development, interior design, cooking, gardening, managing home, raising kids and the list goes on. This is true for most women who had a professional career outside of home.
In my life journey I have realised that my true passion lies in design and creating things with my own hand. Thus the birth of my Studio. I have specialised in home interiors and everything that comes with it. Designing spaces to clients' unique taste that reflects their personality or helps them cherish a memory or nostalgia.
I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and Diploma in Interior Design and Baking. Work experience in corporate Interiors with Multinational Interior Design Firm. I also have extensive knowledge on gardening in cities through courses, research and hands on experience of tending to my city garden for over 20 years. I have combined all my knowledge here to share with the world.
Things that you can do here:
Book Appointment for Design Consultation for Home Interiors
Online shop for garden needs
Interior Design:
I believe home is your sanctuary and should be designed to reflect your personality and taste and more than anything should always light up your eyes and bring a smile to your face every time you walk in after a long day of work or even after an amazing destination holiday. Your home is also home to all your belongings; memories to material possessions. Therefore, all that should have a home within your home, where it’s convenient for you to store and use, easy to find, enjoyable to cook, play, read, work, gather for family time, entertain. Getting there could be time consuming and stressful, that’s where we come in and take care of all the details, be it new construction or renovation, so that you can carry on with your daily routine and move into a ready flat customised to your taste and need.
If you want to set up a new home or give your home a makeover, book an appointment and let’s get it done.
Here you will find curios and plants to liven up your home a little more, or if you need a unique gift for a loved one. Our products are curated and sourced from local manufactures or artisans. Each item is unique. You will also find detail information on care and usage of each item. You will also find ideas and recommendation of usage. Check out our shop right away and give us a chance to create more for you. If you want anything specific made do write to us, we like a good challenge.
Planterie is also our retail studio. You can visit to buy and also enjoy wild tea and homemade snacks at our studio cafe.
Visit us at:
#75, Aurobindo Place Market, New Delhi 110016
The Blog: Do check out the Blogs to get tips and how-to on design, gardening and maybe cooking.
In my experience I realised one can have it all. It starts with efficient infrastructure at home, a beautiful organised space that lets you thrive and be good at what you want to achieve rather than hold you back by clutter or a maze that one has to fight every time you want to get something done.